Research Projects & Therapy Groups




Want to learn how to move from feeling lost as a mom who is divorcing?

I’m working on an important project to create confident, empowered, and purposeful women facing divorce who see themselves as more than just “mom”, and I need your help!

Is this you?

  • You’ve done the mother work of instilling values in your teens/young adult children;

  • You’re facing the end of your relationship head on;

  • Feeling unprepared and don’t know what to expect at the next stage in your life

CLICK BELOW to complete information form and to schedule an interview:


As a psychologist who works with many women facing the loss of their relationship, I am passionate about helping women find their center and recreate their identities.

I am looking to interview women who fit this description to learn more about their challenges, frustrations, dreams and goals. This is purely for research purposes to be able to create something truly transformational for the women who need to take that next step in their lives.

If you know someone who fits this description, send them this link to reach out.

This research is crucial and any help is appreciated! 

Thank you all for your support!


Now What?

Experiencing Infertility; Now What?   A 6-week VIRTUAL group for women who are in the process of coping with issues related to fertility and reproduction.  This group is process-oriented and confidential with the goal of creating a safe space for women to share, support, grieve and grow during their reproductive journey.

Click THIS LINK to apply. 

Payment Link active below when group registration opens.



A 6-week VIRTUAL group helping those mamas out there who are just doing their best, but always feel like they're falling short.  I've got you.  We get you! Come to feel supported and develop tools to help you even when you're down to your very last nerve.

Click THIS LINK to apply. 

Payment Link active below when group registration opens in January 2024.